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LOC Precision I-ROC Kit
Estes der Red Max Kit
Estes Firehawk Kit
Estes Alpha Bulk Pack
Estes Launch Lug Pack
Estes 3/16 Launch Rod
Estes Shock Cord Kit
Estes Wizard Bulk Pack
Estes E Launch Pad
Estes Swift 220 Kit
Estes Alpha III Kit
LOC Precision LOC-IV 4"
Estes Big Bertha Kit
Estes Baby Bertha Kit
Estes Alpha Kit
Mad Cow Rocketry Arcas Kit
LOC Precision V-2 Kit
LOC Precision NORAD Kit
LOC Precision FORTE Kit
Estes Hi-flier Kit
Estes Wizard Kit
Estes Viking Kit
Estes Viking Bulk Pack
Estes Hi-Flier XL Kit
Estes AVG 12 Bulk Pack
Estes Generic Bulk Pack
Estes 1/8 Launch Rod
Estes Taser Launch Set

Sub-Total: $32,391.18

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